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forage plants中文是什么意思

用"forage plants"造句"forage plants"怎么读"forage plants" in a sentence


  • 饲料食物
  • 饲料作物


  • Ethnobotany of forage plants : a case study in arhorchin banner of inner mongolia
  • The training is aimed at familiarizing the trainees with canadian forage varieties and the technology and practices used in canada in forage planting , harvesting and storage ,
    -培训的目的是使学员了解加拿大牧草种类和现状,以及与牧草种植和收割储藏有关的技术知识,从而促进学员根据加拿大的经验,探索符合国内和内蒙实际的相关技术和方法, 2004年8月9 - 18日
  • According to their usages , they are divided into 12 groups : edible plants , medicinal plants , landscape gardening and ornamental plants , timber plants , fiber plants , starch plants wild oil - bearing plants , wild forage plants , honey plants , aromatic oil plants , tanning plants , poisonous plants
  • Eight key projects are brought forward for constructing evergreen grassland stockbreeding , they are : 1 ) leadoff enterprise and famous trademark cultivation project ; 2 ) breed of forage grass , fine breed of livestock and poultry project ; 3 ) grassland construction and forage planting project ; 4 ) raw product base construction project ; 5 ) prevention and cure of animal epidemic disease and service project ; 6 ) livestock product security project ; 7 ) science and technology , talent cultivation project ; 8 ) network information project
  • The training is aimed at familiarizing the trainees with canadian forage varieties and the technology and practices used in canada in forage planting , harvesting and storage . trainees are expected to adapt the canadian technologies and practices into the chinese and more specifically the imar situation
用"forage plants"造句  
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